Effective and Suitable Ways of Teacher Talk With The Students To Be Successful In Classroom Intercation

Hello readers, so in this blog me and my friends, we had done our project of Classroom Discourse Anaylisis course about finding ideas about effective and suitable ways of teacher talk (communication) with the students to be successful in classroom intercation. first let me introduce my friends that have participated in this project.

we are from Universitas Negeri Medan Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris: 

- Ainun Mardiah

- Viciartias Muizah

- Windi Wulan Dari

this is based on our opinions as a students that is still learning :)

The idea developed for finding an effective and suitable way of making teacher talk and communication with the students to be successful. In addition, the strategies that can be use as follows: 


  • ·     Make a fun verbal communication between teachers and students. By making a good and fun verbal communication, students cannot be bored to follow the learning.

  • ·         Make the students involved; let the students involved in teaching learning process.

  • ·      Make a fun game in learning process; students want something interesting and fun in teaching learning process. Because students are in the age of feel bored so fast. Therefore, that, we as a teacher need to find a suitable way to making a good communication to the students, for the example with games. By using games, it can be improve students’ motivation in learning.

  • ·     Show empathy, by showing our empathy to the students it will increase student’s enthusiasm in learning process; they will feel secure by the teacher.

  • ·     Show our respect, by showing our respect to the students and more engage to the students, they will be easier in understand the material. It is one of the way that we can be use in successfully communication with the students.

  • ·      Talk with the right intonation, using a high intonation sometimes can make students afraid to the teacher, and they cannot be engage to the learning process. So that by using a right intonation it can be, prevent students afraid.

  • ·       Knowing the students character, by knowing the students character it will be easier to the teacher to find the right way to successfully communication in classroom

  • ·         Communicate with a good feeling, by showing them our good feeling or our good mood they can be easier to communicate with their students without feeling afraid or aware.

  • ·  Enthusiasm in teaching, show them our enthusiasm in teaching the students so that the communication between students and teacher will be easier to build.

  • ·        Use gesture, with gesture the students can be improve their feeling in learning process.

  • ·      Be a good listener, in communication with the students to be a good listener is one of the best way. Because students will be, feel secure and accept with a good listener teacher.

  • ·   Build up a good atmosphere between them, with a good atmosphere the communication in classroom will be more engage. 

  • ·     Do not ever blame students. making mistake is normal. Do not ever blame students mistake but make students mistake to be correct. 


The strategies above can be use for the teacher who want to make a good and successful communication with the students in the class. By using right strategies, students can be more engage with the teaching learning process. Moreover, the communication will be better.

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Effective and Suitable Ways of Teacher Talk With The Students To Be Successful In Classroom Intercation

Hello readers, so in this blog me and my friends, we had done our project of Classroom Discourse Anaylisis course about  finding ideas about...